Workshop on "Procurement of Consultancy Service"
Workshop on "PPRA Rules & How to Avoid Mis Procurement"
Workshop on "Finance Managment in Public Procurement"
Workshop on "Dos and Don'ts in Public Procurement"
Workshop on "Decumentation and Verfication in Public Procurement"
Workshop on "PPAR Rules"
Lecture at "National Management College (Senior Management Wing)"
Workshop on "How to Include Standards, Quality & Specifications in the Bidding Documents"
Workshop on "KPPRA / PPRA Rules"
Workshop on "Contract Management:
Workshop on "PPRA Rules & Rights of Bidders in PPRA Rules"
Workshop on "Project Management"
Workshop on Rights of BIdders in PPRA Rules"
Workshop "Procuremnt of Consultancy Services"
Workshop on "PPRA / SPPRA / BPPRA Rules"
Workshop on "Procurement Management"
Workshop on "Pre-qualification Process & Documentation"
Workshop on "Contract Management"
Workshop on HR Management"
Workshop on "How to Avoid Audit Objections in Public Procurement"
Workshop on "How to Evaluate Bids"